Fillings and White Spot Removal

Interim Stabilization Therapy (IST) - Restoring Your Dental Health

Interim Stabilization Therapy, commonly known as IST, is a conservative approach using a glass ionomer filling to halt the progression of dental decay before more extensive treatment becomes necessary. It focuses on stabilizing and preserving teeth during the initial stages of decay and demineralization to prevent a deeper cavity that requires a dental filling.

The IST Process:

  1. Assessment: A thorough examination of the decay including visual inspection and diagnostic tests, such as radiation-free Diagnodent laser, to determine if IST treatment is appropriate, or what other options may be available.
  2. Treatment Planning: Based on the assessment, a personalized treatment plan will be devised to address your specific dental needs. This may involve various interventions to stabilize the affected areas.
  3. Intervention: IST treatment includes cleaning and drying the affected area, waiting 6 -10 minutes for the IST filling to set into the tooth, a few minutes to sculpt and shape while final setting takes place, and the therapy is complete! These require no rubber dam isolation and no dental freezing as there is no drilling! This special filling sets into the canals of decay and halts it without removing layers of enamel.
  4. Monitoring: After the initial treatment, we will closely monitor the treated area, as is done for all teeth at all appointments. Adjustments to the treatment plan will be made as needed to accommodate your changing needs, and to ensure the best possible outcomes.

White-Spot Removal (ICON Resin Infiltrant) - Restoring Your Dental Health

Resin-Infiltration or ICON brand, is a conservative approach using a very watery resin filling to infiltrate the rough surface of white spots, blending them into the surrounding enamel colour, and reducing the potential for dental decay in these high-risk areas. It focuses on stabilizing and preserving teeth during the initial stages of decay and demineralization to prevent and treat sensitivity, a deeper cavity, and to restore confidence in a smile with a uniform shade.

White-Spot Removal Process

  1. Assessment: A thorough examination of the areas with white-spots, including visual inspection and diagnostic tests such as radiation-free Diagnodent laser can be used to determine if ICON treatment is appropriate, or what other options may be available. Whitening is often advised before treatment as this treatment essentially ‘seals’ the tooth surface.
  2. Treatment Planning: Based on the assessment, a personalized treatment plan will be devised to address your specific dental needs. For ICON, this may involve treating more than one area, and being sure the intervention will have an effect.
  3. Intervention: ICON treatment includes cleaning and drying the affected area multiple times to ensure the porous nature of the white-spots have been thoroughly sanitized, polishing the liquid resin into the tooth surface for about 1 minute, light curing for 30 seconds, and polishing the surface to a glossy shine. This treatment requires no rubber dam isolation and no dental freezing as there is no drilling! This special filling sets blends white spots into the colour of the surrounding enamel.
  4. Monitoring: After the initial treatment, the tooth is essentially sealed, and there are no ‘edges’ that need to be monitored for leakage. The tooth can be cared for the same as any other untreated tooth.

Benefits of Interim Stabilization Therapy and White-Spot Removal:

  • Preventive: By addressing dental issues in their early stages, we prevent the need for more invasive and costly procedures later on.
  • Conservative: By focusing on preserving as much natural tooth structure as possible, promoting long-term oral health by preventing the spread of decay to other teeth.
  • Comfort: Treatment with IST or ICON is generally less invasive and therefore does not require freezing, is quick and comfortable for patients compared to extensive restorative procedures, and can end the sensitivity that comes with dental lesions.
  • Cost-Effective: Early interventions like IST and ICON can help save you time and money by avoiding the need for more extensive dental work in the future.

Schedule Your Appointment Today!

Don't wait until dental problems escalate. Take proactive steps to protect your oral health with Interim Stabilization Therapy or White Spot Treatment at Preventive Dental Hygiene Care. Contact us today to schedule an appointment or learn more about our comprehensive range of dental services.

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