Embracing Biological Dental Care Near You

Preventive Dental Hygiene Care recognizes the growing demand for natural and holistic approaches to dental care. Our practice is dedicated to providing options for Biological Dental Care, which focuses on utilizing natural and minimally invasive techniques to enhance your oral health and overall well-being.

What is Biological Dental Care?

Biological Dental Care is an approach that emphasizes the interconnectedness of oral health with the rest of the body. It seeks to promote oral health using methods that are gentle, natural, and free from potentially harmful chemicals or materials.

Our Natural Approach:

  • Fluoride-Free and Essential Oil Products: For clients seeking fluoride-free options, we provide a range of natural dental products enriched with essential oils known for their antibacterial properties, promoting oral hygiene without harsh chemicals.
  • BPA-Free Filling and Sealant Materials: We use BPA-free materials for fillings and sealants, ensuring the safety of patients, while addressing dental issues early and effectively.
  • Laser Light Cavity Detection: Our advanced Diagnodent laser technology allows for the early detection of soft spots before they turn into cavities. This method reduces radiation exposure and provides a more comfortable experience for our patients.
  • Early Cavity Intervention: Through proactive monitoring and early intervention, we aim to prevent the progression of cavities and minimize the need for invasive treatments, like larger fillings.
  • Saliva Testing: We offer saliva testing to assess pH, or types of oral bacteria to identify potential risk factors, allowing for personalized preventive strategies, and prescription rinses, tailored to your specific needs.
  • Probiotic Treatments: We provide guidance on probiotic treatments to shift to and promote a healthy oral microbiome, supporting natural defenses against oral diseases.

Your Journey to Natural Oral Health Starts Here

At Preventive Dental Hygiene Care, we believe in empowering our patients to achieve optimal oral health through natural and holistic approaches. These approaches often require early intervention and detection of risk factors to be successful. Whether you're looking for fluoride-free options, BPA-free materials, avoiding root canals and possible cavitations in the jaw, or personalized care, Preventive Dental Hygiene Care is here to support you every step of the way.

Schedule Your Consultation Today!

Discover the benefits of Biological Dental Care at Preventive Dental Hygiene Care. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how our natural approach can enhance your oral health and overall well-being.

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